Monday, August 16, 2010

One Week to Go

In one week from today I will embark on my adventure to China! I began packing today, which I have definitely been dreading. So far, it hasn't really been that terrible. I thought I would have a lot of trouble picking out which of my clothes I wanted to bring, but (knock on wood) so far, it is much easier than I expected.  Now it is really just a matter of me shoving everything into my two suitcases and keeping each one under 50 pounds.

Still, a relatively short to-do list remains:
-Finish packing (duh)
-Buy a few things that I probably won't be able to find in China
-Make a good iPod playlist for the plane
-Finish reading Freakonomics

And that's it! Luckily I don't have much to stress out about.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm Legal!

I was waiting for a somewhat significant point in time to begin my blog, and it seems like today turned out to be a perfect starting point.  Why, you ask? Because I picked up my PRC visa today in DC! So now that I'm "legal," all there's left to do is wait. Only 18 days!

For now, I obviously don't have very much to write about since I'm still here at home, but I'll go ahead and post some basic info about my trip- I depart Dulles at 8:55 AM on August 23rd and fly to San Francisco.  From there, I have a three hour layover and then will get on my flight to China at 2:50 PM Pacific time.  After a 12 hour flight, assuming all goes well, I'll land in Beijing on August 24th at 5:55 PM (which is 5:55 AM Eastern time) and will be there for a few days.  On the 29th I'll fly to Shanghai with the group (which I have to arrange once I'm in Beijing) and then start classes on August 31. 

That's all for now, but there will be more to come when the date gets closer, and even more when I actually arrive in China!
