Monday, August 16, 2010

One Week to Go

In one week from today I will embark on my adventure to China! I began packing today, which I have definitely been dreading. So far, it hasn't really been that terrible. I thought I would have a lot of trouble picking out which of my clothes I wanted to bring, but (knock on wood) so far, it is much easier than I expected.  Now it is really just a matter of me shoving everything into my two suitcases and keeping each one under 50 pounds.

Still, a relatively short to-do list remains:
-Finish packing (duh)
-Buy a few things that I probably won't be able to find in China
-Make a good iPod playlist for the plane
-Finish reading Freakonomics

And that's it! Luckily I don't have much to stress out about.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well I have to bring a few text books over there as well as a few other things that I won't have to bring back. So I'll probably try to keep each bag to about 45 lbs.
    And I'll have plenty to do on the plane! Kinsey's mom got me an MP3 player with a bunch of audiobooks on it so I can listen to books, I have my iPod, there will be movies, and I also have lots of books. :)

  3. Yeah, where the heck are you? SPEAK TO US.
